It’s Time to Prove Your Ultimate Recipes!
Get lots of prizes and a chance to be visited by Philips and Tabloid Nova for the finalists.
Guest stars: Chef Sisca Soewitomo or Haryo Pramoe
Send your recipes until May 31, 2012.
This promotion is only valid in Java.
1st Group Winner = cash + Philips products with a total of 9 million
2nd Group Winner = cash + Philips products with a total of 6 million
3rd Group Winner = cash + Philips products with a total of 4 million
21 Finalists = Goodie Bags
2nd Group Winner = cash + Philips products with a total of 6 million
3rd Group Winner = cash + Philips products with a total of 4 million
21 Finalists = Goodie Bags
•The food recipes’ sender must form a group consists of 3 people.
•Send a ONE DAY MENU (breakfast, lunch, dinner); 2 recipes using Blender Philips and a recipe using a Mixer Philips. Do not forget to include a picture of yourself / your group with Blender Philips, and bio-data group (group leader's name, address, phone number) via email / PO BOX 1291 JKB Jakarta 11012.
•Nova will contact the semi-finalists for the 10 groups.
•30 selected finalist groups will practice the sent recipes to be judged by the Chef and Blender Philips.
•The assessment criteria and announcement of winners will be revealed during the event.
•The collected recipes become the property of PT. Philips Indonesia.
•The jury's decision is final.
•For more info, contact Tabloid Nova : +62 21 5330150.
*Tax excluded
Ayo Ikutan dan Buktikan Kreasi Resep Andalan Anda
Dapatkan berbagai hadiah dan kesempatan dikunjungi oleh Philips dan Tabloid NOVA bagi finalis yang terpilih.
Dimeriahkan juga oleh Chef Ibu Sisca Soewitomo atau Haryo Pramoe.
Kirim resep paling lambat 31 Mei 2012.
Promo ini hanya berlaku untuk di Pulau Jawa.
•Group Pemenang I = uang tunai + produk Philips senilai total 9 juta
•Group Pemenang II = uang tunai + produk Philips senilai total 6 juta
•Group Pemenang III = uang tunai + produk Philips senilai total 4 juta
•21 Finalis = Goodie Bags
•Pengirim resep harus dalam bentuk grup yang terdiri dari 3 orang.
•Kirimkan resep MENU SEHARI (pagi, siang, dan malam); 2 resep menggunakan Blender Philips dan 1 resep menggunakan Mixer Philips. Jangan lupa sertakan foto diri/grup dengan Blender Philips Anda, dan biodata grup (nama ketua grup, alamat, no. tlp/HP) melalui email /PO BOX 1291 JKB Jakarta 11012.
•30 grup semi finalis akan dihubungi oleh NOVA.
•3 grup finalis terpilih akan mempraktekkan resep yang dikirim untuk dinilai oleh Chef dan pihak Blender Philips.
•Kriteria bobot penilaian dan pengumuman pemenang akan diumumkan pada saat event berlangsung.
•Keputusan juri tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
•Info selanjutnya, hubungi Tabloid NOVA : +62 21 5330150.
Hati-hati dengan penipuan yang mengatasnamakan PT Philips Indonesia dan atau Tabloid Nova terkait promosi ini.
*Pajak hadiah ditanggung pemenang